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Let's pretend that this is real, 
Let's say this really is the deal
The way you put me out, 
It makes me doubt my sanity

You toe the line until it breaks, 
You savor all of your mistakes
Then you do whatever pleases you,
It's all you know

Clean me, and hang me out to dry
Screaming, and live another lie
You make it seem so effortless

Grace is never the reward,
It's a price you never could afford
You can count your change, 
But you can't exchange your dignity

So sell you soul to pay the rent,
Be sure to count up every cent
Cuz when you lose your aim,
In these dirty games, you're through

Clean me, and hang me out to dry
Screaming, and live another lie
You make it seem so effortless


Clean me, and hang me out to dry
Scheming, until the day you die
You make it seem so effortless

Tablature & Chords

Tuning: DADFAD

Song Data