1,000 Words

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Oh Amelia, Oh Amelia
Bohemian beauty in a tattered flower dress
Oh Amelia, Oh Amelia
Her simple face's got my mind up in a mess

I couldn't say a word, couldn't say a word
My family, they don't talk to trash like her
Yeah they'd never see that she's right for me
So I tried to show Amelia myself

    I painted her from memory with flowers in her hair
    I captured every freckle on that bumpy canvas square
    Yeah, we all know what this picture's worth
    But it's 1000 words she never heard
    Because I threw it away
    It's 1000 words she never heard

What's so wrong with her, what's so wrong with her
She's human just the same as you and me
But this couldn't last in the upper class
They'd chase her down and run her out of town

So it was laid to rest, it was for the best
Why give birth to a thing that's gonna die?
Yeah, my family's right, it's not worth the fight
Amelia's just gonna bring me down
Amelia's just gonna bring me down

    I painted her from memory with flowers in her hair
    I captured every freckle on that bumpy canvas square
    Yeah, we all know what this picture's worth
    But it's 1000 words she never heard
    Because I threw it away
    It's 1000 words she never heard

Tablature & Chords

Tuning: Standard, detuned 1/2 step.

Song Data

Song Tags
Musical Information
Key: F# Major
Tempo: 94 bpm
Meter: 4/4 Straight
Length: 3:13
Released Mar 29, 2005