On Brevity

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Sometimes I wanna take it from a little to a lot and I am spinning in a circle like a dizzy little top and I am calling all the people I'd forgotten about and trying to tell them that I figured it out, but it's a lie and all the stupid things I say and do and never really stop when I should never have begun, I really oughtta drop it but it's faster when you don't even have time to stop and think about the things that you are saying cuz they really never matter but it's

    Empty spaces in the air, fill it up, fill it up, fill it up, oh no
    All the million little empty spaces in the air, fill it up, fill it up, fill it up, oh no

But I never was a fighter and I never was a poet and I never was a writer though you'd never really know it cuz I'm full of all the knowledge that you needed to know and I will share it if you're ready or not, because I know I heard that Jami was a Wicked fan and Timmy's dropping out and all the other little things that I was thinking about, like how mosquitoes have malaria and dogs have lice, I could go on for half an hour cuz I hate to leave a million little

    Empty spaces in the air, fill it up, fill it up, fill it up, oh no
    All the million little empty spaces in the air, fill it up, fill it up, fill it up, oh no

Economy of speech is not a virtue, it's a sin because I never want to tell you once what I could say again and again and again..
I know you wanna tell me what you think of what I'm say, I promise you that I will give you time later to weigh in, to weigh in if you want to

But I forgot to tell you, I was heading out to take my puppy for a walk but then the strangest little thing came out and ran across the sidewalk, it might have been a squirrel or a chipmunk or a prairie dog but something 'bout the tail wasn't right, but that's another story... everyone just stopped and stared with blank expressions motionless and for a second everything was silent and commotionless.. I turned I said to Fluffy, that's a cute little sciuridae and then it went scampering off, but that was better than the

    Empty spaces in the air, fill it up, fill it up, fill it up, oh no
    All the million little empty spaces in the air, fill it up, fill it up, fill it up, oh no

Tablature & Chords

Tuning: Open D, tuned down a half step

Song Data

Song Tags
Musical Information
Key: C# Major
Tempo: 154 bpm
Meter: 4/4 Straight
Length: 3:10
Released Feb 8, 2008